Thanks Sibyl and Christian, for making the drive to Johnson County today for your baby girl's portrait session. It was so nice to see you all again.
BTW - I photographed H at the same locations as Gwen below - and used the same chair! This time is was the baby's dad who got the pleasure of carrying it around for me.
So, I'm her Mom so, I'm a little bias but, these are so cute. I'm not sure about the shirt, I thought it was so cute but, not sure how well it translated in her photos. Oh well, baby girl is sweet in anything. Thank you Lori--I can't wait to see the rest.
These are wonderful Lori. She is such an expressive and adorable little girl. What a treasure.
I adore that last one the most I think...what a cutie pie!
These are so cute!! Love the color here!
Oh these are amazing. That last one is absolutely perfect! What a beauty!
What a dolly baby! You really caught her personality. The chair in the field is great. Love the black and white conversion on the blowing a kiss portrait - very light and airy. -- Evangeline
The last one is perfect. That little girl is stunning. What a fun job you have.
These pictures are darling, beautiful baby--the last one looks like it should be in a baby fashion magazine. Nice work
Lori that last one is yummy! Love your conversion!
I wish my kids would have had that much beautiful hair at one year old. But they didn't. The kissey picture is so clear and gorgeous. You know I love BW the best, and you do them great.
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